My name is Mustafa I was born and raised as a muslim in Baghdad, Iraq. However, I had the opportunity to move to Nashville, TN (USA) in early 2014.
Once there I joined a growing community of photographers that helped me improve and hone my photography skills. By doing so, I realized that it was my true passion in life, and decided to pursue it in a professional manner. For three years I pursued it along with my worldly passions and lived a typical American paycheck-paycheck lifestyle and every year I would make twice as much money from the pervious year and spending all the fruit of my labor on worldly possessions to fill the void inside of my soul with short-term happiness.
In early 2017 I’ve decided to visit my hometown, Baghdad to see my beloved friends and family and that’s when things started shifting for me, during this trip I started seeing through the deception and the lie that I was living in thinking that The American Dream is what I needed but soon I realized I was programmed into this wicked world (The Matrix) through Black Magic Mirror (Tele-vision, Smartphone etc..) that was brought into my life by America after the 2002 American Iraqi Invasion.
From April 2017 to September 2018, I went on a journey finding answers for the questions in my mind such as, Who Am I?, Why I’m here?, What is this world?. I read few Japanese philosophy books hoping for answers, and the only two answers I found was, first, “Void” because it’s emptiness I believed I was product of society and that was determined by your geographical location because when you are born you are empty from the inside (soul) and you have no knowledge of good and evil, the place of your brith will determine the god you will worship, the skin color and the food you eat and clothes you’ll wear and the language you’ll speak in which lead me to atheism. Second, since it’s all void therefore Nothing Matters but happiness through real genuine Love not through money, shoes, not through big house, relationship, new car, etc of fake possessions, but again through real genuine love
I decided move to NYC in Sept of 2018 for photography project (The Grizzly) it didn’t workout so well… because The HolySpirit started revealing more truths and lies about the world we live in for me, for example, The Banks (debts makers), NWO (Silent Weapons For Quite Wars), Mass-immigration (Cheap labor), Psychological Warfare (Hollywood), Symbolism (Hidden in Plain Sight Programing) Artificial Food (Genetically Modified Organisms), Mind-control (Social Media), Predictive Programming (satan prophecies) Corporations rule the world (Nike, Apple, Kodak, Sony, Walmart, Canon, etc). I started discerning between what’s good and evil even though I didn’t believe in a God at that time, but yet I knew there was satan and demons and he’s behind it all? I knew in the very core of my gut that there is evil in this world. I had a zeal in my heart to be part of something true and good. I didn’t think of a religion or a deity at that time, but I started observing the world we live in and how there is only two matrixes , one that is Natural World (Nature) in nature where suffering/death that put blood on the plate matters because without shedding of blood there is no life. The other one is Man Made World aka Civilization where suffering and death exist, but there’s no blood on the plate and because of man the world has been declining and decaying ever since and everything is up side down. again I failed at finding God because I was depending on my mind to know God without revelation.
Early of 2019, I Quit Photography and moved back to Nashville, TN because I realized photography is another tool of the devil to control men and prevent them from and building strong families/Communities.
In the last quarter of 2019 I started listening to a podcast by a middle eastern scientist who actually made things worse in my life because he was brining awareness about the damage of Frequencies – NanoTechnology– ChemTrials -Vaccine and how to protect ourselves. he made it worse because I started hating the world we live in more and more, it’s a world that everything you touch is meant to harm you psychologically, physically and emotionally by design but this elder was doing something different from all of those who so called “Truthers” , he would bring up the name of Jesus during his show or use biblical references to make a point and literally at the end of every single podcast episode he finishes it with ” Go Read The Gospel! Go Read What Jesus Has To Say” I didn’t pay attention to who was Jesus and what gospel is because I believed religion is divide and conquer to weaken the masses.
During that time I got into nutrition because I needed physical healing from all the damages that has been done to our bodies, and one thing I did in sept of 2019 was drinking a fresh blood from a slaughtered Lamb, why? I did it because I wanted to live and blood has life and everything your body needs.
In March 18 of 2020 I decided to look up who Jesus is and lo and behold, I was SHOCKED! because the first thing I encountered was seeing this western apologetic community where they expose the religion of islam and other religions that deny the deity of Christ. I was shocked because I never thought or ever imagined that Western society knows about islam? the history of islam and Mohammad and the Quran? that was new to me and opened new doors to more truths but not “The Truth” along the way of me searching online and hearing testimonies of people that accepted Jesus and how he changed their lives and most importantly how God use The Bible to speak to people and that’s when the HolySpirit suggested a thought ” Remember the Bible was gifted to you? GO READ IT”. A friend of mine gifted me a bible weeks prior me visiting Iraq in 2017.
I grabbed the Bible and was seeking God deeply in my heart to reveal himself to me in this book, guess what the first thing I read in the Bible? It was Matthew 7:7 “Seek and you shall find ask and it’ll be given to you knock and it’ll open you” then I flipped other pages and read different passage, Matthew 19:16-22 where Jesus was talking to a rich young man and how he was grieved after Jesus telling him, if you want to be perfect go sell everything (possessions), and follow me. I resonated deeply with this passage because this is me in 2017 when I had found out about the lie and deception of this matrix we live in thinking the American Dream (materialism) is what we need and the more in got rid of my possessions the more freedom and peace came in my life. fast forward three years later I read a book from God who’s confirming that riches is vanity and not the truth? and he who lose’s his life shall find it and he who find’s his life shall lose it? On top of that, the one who lead me to all truth and who made see through the deceptions and lies of the fallen world by lifting the veil from my eye he’s called The HolySpirit? the third person in the Godhead? Are you telling me that the past three years I was fellowship with God because I was seeking the truth and he gradually revealed it to me?
The list of scriptures I read that spoke to my heart:
Matthew 7:7 Seeking God and you’ll find him.
Matthew 19:16-22 Selling all my possessions for peace and freedom
Ecc 1:18 knowledge equals depression.
Genesis 6:6 God “sigh” for creating man.
Eph 4:30 Grieving the HolySpirit when I sin.
Eph 6:12-18 The armour against demons.
Romans 7:15-20 doing the very things I hate.
John 6:53-58 Blood equals life and we drink blood of Jesus for eternal life.
I accepted Jesus as God and savior on April 12th and got baptized 09/10/2020
What God did to me is unimaginable, he walked me through lies of this world and the vanity of it and made me hate every bit of it and when I started reading The Bible, that’s what it teaches? nothing matters but The Truth and The Truth is Jesus! and the world is Fallen
From that day until now , I still can’t stand the world we live in nor I seek what’s in it and my only love and passion in this life is The Triune God (Father, Son, HolySpirit) and the only goal is to fall more in love with God and know his word deeply and spread his love to everyone and everywhere.
God is alive and he’s real and he knows your story and love you enough to send his son to die for you.
I know it has been a long read but this is my testimony and I’d like to finish it off by saying “Go Read The Gospels, Go Read What Jesus Has to Say”
Feel free for a reach out for questions