The New Testament books. Part 1/2

What is the New Testament?

New Testament or The New Covenant of God with humanity.

We can divide the books of The New Testament in into four categories

First, is the Gospels which are the accounts of the life of Jesus and his work of fulfilling the Old Covenant law:

Gospel of Matthew (70 AD)
Gospel of John (74 AD)
Gospel of Luke (80 AD)
Gospel of Mark (66–74 AD)


Second, is the establishment of church or the spread of Christianity found in the book of Acts (80–90 AD)


Third, Apostle Paul epistles (letters) to the churches after their establishment.

  • First Thessalonians ( 50 AD)
  • Second Thessalonians (49–51 AD)
  • Galatians (53 AD)
  • First Corinthians ( 53–54 AD) 
  • Second Corinthians (55–56 AD)
  • Philippians (55 AD)
  • Philemon (57–59 AD)
  • Romans (57 AD)
  • Colossians (62 AD)
  • Ephesians (62 AD)


Paul’s writing to the Hebrews dated traditionally around (60 AD)

The letters to his brothers in Christ (traditional dating given):

  • First Timothy (62–64 AD)
  • Second Timothy (62–64 AD)
  • Titus (62–64 AD)


Fourth, other General epistles by the Apostles of  the Lord Jesus Christ

  • James (65 AD)
  • First Peter (60 AD)
  • Second Peter ( 65–68 AD)
  • First John (95- 110 AD)
  • Second John (90-95 AD)
  • Third John (96–110 AD)
  • Jude (70-90 AD)


The Book of Revelation by apostle John dated (95 AD)


In Christ,

